API reference#

This section documents the internal API of napari-matplotlib classes. Most users shouldn’t need this, and will just directly interact with the plots though the napari user interface.

napari_matplotlib Package#


FeaturesHistogramWidget(napari_viewer[, parent])

Display a histogram of selected feature attached to selected layer.

FeaturesScatterWidget(napari_viewer[, parent])

Widget to scatter data stored in two layer feature attributes.

HistogramWidget(napari_viewer[, parent])

Display a histogram of the currently selected layer.

ScatterBaseWidget(napari_viewer[, parent])

Base class for widgets that scatter two datasets against each other.

ScatterWidget(napari_viewer[, parent])

Scatter data in two similarly shaped layers.

SliceWidget(napari_viewer[, parent])

Plot a 1D slice along a given dimension.

Class Inheritance Diagram#

Inheritance diagram of napari_matplotlib.histogram.FeaturesHistogramWidget, napari_matplotlib.scatter.FeaturesScatterWidget, napari_matplotlib.histogram.HistogramWidget, napari_matplotlib.scatter.ScatterBaseWidget, napari_matplotlib.scatter.ScatterWidget, napari_matplotlib.slice.SliceWidget

napari_matplotlib.base Module#


BaseNapariMPLWidget(napari_viewer[, parent])

Widget containing Matplotlib canvas and toolbar themed to match napari.

NapariMPLWidget(napari_viewer[, parent])

Widget containing a Matplotlib canvas and toolbar.

SingleAxesWidget(napari_viewer[, parent])

In addition to NapariMPLWidget, this sets up a single axes and the callback to clear it.

Class Inheritance Diagram#

Inheritance diagram of napari_matplotlib.base.BaseNapariMPLWidget, napari_matplotlib.base.NapariMPLWidget, napari_matplotlib.base.SingleAxesWidget